Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It is Half Time For The Year 2013 - What Are People Saying About Your Attitude

As we finish out May, take the time to reflect on your ATTITUDE for the first part of 2013.
  • Are you on your way to accomplishing your goals?
  • Is your passion running at an all time high?
  • Do people generally want to be around you?
  • Are you one of the people that just love Monday Mornings?

If your answer to the above is YES!, no or maybe, it is a great time restart your engine so the second part of 2013 is successful.  Further the lead you gained this year or set yourself up for one of the best comebacks and end the year strong.

I personally start with self reflection to give me a sense of my general direction.  Self reflection starts with reviewing my goals I set earlier this year and asking myself:  
  • Where have I succeeded?
  • Where have I failed?
  • Why did I changed direction?   
Now is the tough part.  You need to reach out to your support group of family, friends, mentors, peers, co-workers, bosses, employees and yes your business coach to see how they score you through the first part of 2013.  Some may enjoy this exercise, but many of us will cringe (me included).   

I have learned for me to be successful it all starts and ends with projecting a positive ATTITUDE internally and externally.  Success in business and life means little if it isn't aligned with a positive ATTITUDE.  Do you really want to spend time or follow a leader if negativity floods the situation (I sure don't).  Winning is awesome, but celebrating a victory with those who you care for is even sweeter!

See the below "Basics Snap-Shot".  Print it and keep it with you, put it in your journal, tape it to your bathroom mirror or even make it your backdrop on your iPad/computer.  Constant reminders of keeping a positive ATTITUDE will project you across the goal line in 2013.