Monday, July 22, 2013

Vision Boards - Grab a Glass of Wine, Turn on the Music & Create

I heard about vision boards years ago but never had taken the time to actually look into them or create one. The theory behind them is you look at them often to keep your goals in mind, think positively and stay motivated.

One day a few years ago, I became inspired and decided to pour through magazines and be creative. I came to realize this was a really fun and fulfilling process. I cut out different pictures, phrases, words, etc. that spoke to how I want to live my life and the type of balance I seek in it. For me that included family, friends, faith, being active, etc. I had such a good experience taking some quiet time for myself to turn on music, pour a glass of wine and create!

Vision boards can be made with words, pictures, etc. They can be individual or perhaps something you and your significant other create together to keep in mind your goals and dreams. When I made mine I made a collage on a poster board, but there are many ways you can do it. I know my Dad keeps his in his journal and adds to it continuously with photos, quotes, etc. that he finds. You could also use an online tool like Pinterest or look into a vision board app.

The best way to utilize them is to have it somewhere where you will look often. I hang mine in our closet. And in fact, in writing this I realize that it's time for me to update my board as it has been a few years and a lot has changed!

Have you ever made a vision board?

Happy creating!

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