Thursday, June 6, 2013

What I Learned From My Dogs

Those of you that know the Roth family know that we cherish our 3 black labs.  They accompany us on our Colorado vacations and are great helpers when we BBQ.  Since the first lab joined our family 5 years ago we have added two others to our family circle.

It dawned on me that these dogs practice the "Power of a Great Smile".  In Basics we talked about:

A smile is a lamp that illuminates the soul.
It says happy, open, confident - without saying a word.
It's warmth from the inside out.
A smile lets others know you are home, welcome them to visit.
If you don't know a word of another language, smile.
It's the universal symbol of a positive attitude.
Your smile may touch someone in ways you'll never know.

Without exception when I come home from a long day at work the dogs welcome me with a big smile that immediately uplifts my mood.  It got me thinking that I should always greet people with the same smile and enthusiasm as the dogs.  Smiles are contagious!  Next time you are in a group of strangers be the first to smile and watch everyone's reaction.

-- Pat Roth

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