Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Strength Of Your Network

Successful people have robust professional networks (For example look at Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, and Oprah Winfrey). Most of us spend the majority of our time with our closest connections.  We go to dinner on the weekends with the same friends.  We workout with the same few people. At happy hours we eventually migrate to be with our closest friends to debrief on the latest work politics, social happenings, and yes the latest Shark Tank episode (at least I do).  Even further, at work we tend to eat lunch and sneak away for afternoon Starbucks with the same co-workers.

The large amount of time spent with close personal relationships by default naturally restricts our ability to expand our professional networks.  For this discussion let's all agree that one's professional network will most likely lead to one's next job or new customer as this network is exponentially larger than our day-to-day personal network.  I challenge you to dedicate a few hours a week to strengthening your professional network.  Try simple activities such as networking lunches, 15-minute introduction coffees, follow-up emails, seminars, and even joining new social circles.  Your acquaintances can be your most valuable relationships.

Today there is a powerful tool at your fingertips to help develop a strong robust professional network. If you have not guessed it, it is LinkedIn.  The networking power of LinkedIn isn’t in your 1st degree contacts as you already have established those relationships (being friends and close co-workers).  The true value of LinkedIn is in the 2nd degree contacts.  These are the individuals that your 1st Degree contacts can introduce you to.  Your next customer is just 1 introduction away.  Spend the time and effort to building out your professional network.  

-- Pat Roth

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