Monday, August 12, 2013

The Secret to a Great Day

Do you want to have a great day? Guess what, great days just don’t happen by accident, they usually start early and they start with good old fashion discipline. Most achievers are early risers and they wake up with the sun. They are energized and ready to rock the world. The hardest thing about early morning is putting both feet on the floor.  Try this…when your first foot hits the floor say “thank” when your second foot hits say “you” and the look up to the heavens. This is not a bad way to greet your new day ahead.

Next is where your rock solid habits need to kick in. Time to get your mind and body moving. I like to get on my workout cloths, brew my coffee and head to my home office. With coffee in hand I’m at my computer pulling up YouTube and looking for 15 to 20 minutes of an inspirational, educational entrepreneurial story. Last week it was my Warren Buffet week. Buffet is all over YouTube and I came away with many great thoughts and ideas. Next I head for the door for my 30 minute power walk in the great Rocky Mountain high air. I am accompanied by my trainer (Winston) and my therapist  (Lucy) and they are both wagging their tails! Labs also have great smiles! I try to time my walk as the sun is coming up. A great sunrise is better than runners high.

I’m back home and ready for 15 minutes of spiritual time. This is where my “why” really comes together and is really the most important part of my morning routine. Now I’m in the “zone”!! Next I’m off to the kitchen and blend my berry, banana and apple shake and shower, dress and dance out to my car ready to have a grand day meeting with “winners” from the Basics Team.

Life is good…

-- Bill Roth

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