Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Accountability Partners

Now that we are measuring and tracking our goals we need to establish an accountability partner.  An accountability partner can be a friend or family member that you can team up with to make sure both of you are achieving goals.  I suggest a weekly phone call to communicate your goal measuring and ideas how to improve to obtain your goals.

Key’s to successful accountability partnerships are:
  • Challenge each other
  • Hold each other accountable
  • Celebrate milestones together
  • Give honest feedback
  • Have weekly check ups to discuss successes and failures

Remember, measuring and tracking isn’t a solo sport.  Accountability of oneself can be challenging.  It is easy to skip a workout or forgo a challenging sales opportunity.  One can always put off today’s task for tomorrow.  Form accountability partnerships today to increase your ability to achieve your goals.

I look forward to hearing about your accountability partnerships,

Pat Roth